Web Privacy Policy

Global Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting a site hosted by CSL Behring. Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to maintaining your privacy when you visit our site. This Privacy Policy outlines the kind of information we may collect while you visit our Web site and how we use that information. When you voluntarily provide us with personal information, such as your name, address or an e-mail address, we treat this information with strict confidentiality. No personal information is ever rented, sold, publicly posted or shared with other companies, organizations or Web sites except as specifically disclosed in this Privacy Policy.

By using this Web site, you agree to the terms of the most recent version of this Privacy Policy. Please read our Terms of Use in order to understand the general rules about your use of this Web site. Except as written in any other disclaimers, policies, terms of use, or other notices on this Web site, this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use are the complete agreement between you and CSL Behring with respect to your use of this Web site. You may, however, be subject to additional terms that may apply when you access particular services or materials on certain areas in this Web site, or by following a link from this Web site to other sites (which sites' privacy policies and terms of use you should review and consider separate and apart from CSL Behring's Privacy Policy and Terms of Use).

Information Collected from You

The majority of this site is offered without collecting any personally identifiable information from our visitors. We collect personally identifiable information, such as name, address and e-mail, and non-personally identifiable demographic information (age, gender, etc.), only when you voluntarily submit it to us or you request information from us. We also collect non-personally identifiable aggregate information to learn more about areas of the site that are of the most interest to visitors, or to learn who visits the site. We may on occasion post non-personally identified messages we receive from visitors to our sites, such as comments about our products and company.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to content, business information, ideas, concepts, or inventions that you send to CSL Behring by e-mail. If you want to keep such content or business information, ideas, concepts, or inventions private or proprietary, do not send them in an e-mail to CSL Behring.


Only when you specifically request it will the information that we collect be used to respond to your questions, or to fulfill e-mail messaging programs, and notify visitors about new content or services on our Web sites. You will have the ability to opt-out from receiving marketing communications from CSL Entities at any time. If you wish to unsubscribe from any CSL marketing materials, you can manage your preferences via https://cslbehringpreferences.com/ or write to us at CSL Behring c/o Patient Services P.O. Box 1587 Jeffersonville, IN 47130 or by calling 833-436-0021, to tell us that you no longer wish to receive postal mail and/or e-mail. Please provide us with your exact name, postal address, and/or e-mail address. We will be sure your name is removed from our mailing list.

As many other companies do, we measure the performance of our Web site to improve and customize it to better serve your needs. During your visit, we automatically collect the following information about your computer and your visit:

  • The domain and host from which you access the Internet
  • The Internet address of the Web site from which you linked directly to our site, if applicable
  • Your site activity:
    • The date and time you arrived at our site
    • How long you spent on the site
    • Which pages you visited
    • The date and time you left our site
    • Which page/site you accessed from our site
  • Your Internet protocol (IP) address and
  • Your computer's operating system and browser software

We may use third parties to manage these performance measurements. However, we do not acquire information on the individual identity of any visitor. These third parties will be required to follow our privacy standards, to provide us only with aggregate information, to use the information collected only for the purposes for which the third party was retained by us, and to then destroy the information.

You may have the option to register to our site. If you do, we may retrieve your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. Nothing will happen if you choose not to submit this information except that you may not obtain the functionality or receive information you requested.

At any time upon your request, we will delete or modify personal information that you provided earlier. If you want to review, update or delete your personal data, please sign in to make the desired changes. We will use personal information only for the purpose indicated to you when you provided it. We will not disclose, sell, rent or exchange this information to any other organization or entity unless you are first notified and expressly agree to it, or as otherwise required by law.

In addition to the uses and disclosures set forth above, we may also release personal information to third parties to comply with applicable legal requirements, such as in responding to a search warrant, subpoena, or court order, or complying with a statute, regulation, or other law; in special situations, such as in response to a physical threat to you or to others, or to protect our property or to otherwise defend or assert our legal rights; or in ways that we believe are consistent with government regulations, guidance, directions, and laws applicable to CSL Behring. In addition, we may cooperate with law enforcement authorities in investigating and prosecuting Web site visitors who violate our rules or engage in behavior that is harmful to other visitors or is illegal. Finally, in conjunction with a corporate sale, merger, dissolution, or acquisition, we may transfer your personal information to a third party in connection with that transaction.

Protection of Children's Information

CSL Behring recognizes the privacy concerns of parents and the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected from children. This Web site is operated primarily for the use of healthcare providers, adult consumers and caregivers, and is not designed or intended to attract children under the age of 13.

From time to time, we may offer an online program or activity that allows children under the age of 13 to participate. In such instances, we provide additional privacy protections.

Additional Children's Privacy Protections

Parents of children who participate in online activities that are open to children under 13 through this Web site can be confident that any personal information that is provided to this Web site will be collected and maintained in accordance with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”). We encourage parents to supervise their children's activities online and to participate with their children's online activities whenever possible. If you have questions or concerns about the Internet and privacy for children, we encourage you to visit https://www.ftc.gov/news-events/press-releases/2012/12/ftc-strengthens-kids-privacy-gives-parents-greater-control-over.

At the present time, CSL Behring is not conducting any activities that are subject to the requirements of COPPA.


Maintaining security of personally identifiable information has our highest priority. We follow strict security procedures for safeguarding information and preventing unauthorized access. We protect information in our high-security data center and adhere to strict computer security standards. We have put in place privacy protection control systems designed to ensure that information about you remains safe and secure. Only authorized CSL Behring employees are permitted to have access to this information and such access is limited by need.

However, the transmission of information over the Internet always presents some risk. For example, an unauthorized third party may intercept a transmission, or could find a means to penetrate our security measures. Consequently, although we believe we have implemented appropriate measures to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee that your information will never be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this Privacy Policy. As a result, you should take special care in deciding what information you send to us via e-mail or submit to us via this site.

The Use of Cookies

This site uses cookies that send information to your computer while you are viewing this site. Cookies are unique to your computer, and allow the Web server to recall information that will make your use of the site easier and more convenient. Cookies add convenience that allows you to save time when you return to this site. They can only be read by a Web server in the domain that issued the cookie to you. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to your computer.

We use cookies (including cookies from Google Analytics) to obtain non-personal information from online visitors. Cookies track the type of browser, operating system, and Internet service provider and allow us to tabulate the total number of visitors to our site.

You may disable the cookie feature on your computer or set it to alert you when cookies are being sent by using the preferences on your browser. If you choose to disable cookies, however, we may not be able to provide you with certain features (e.g., customized delivery of information) available on our Web site. Further information about cookies can be found here. Further information about Google Analytics can be found here, and you may opt-out of Google Analytics here.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to make additions, deletions, or modifications to this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notification. Your use of this Web site constitutes your agreement to this right. Indicated at the bottom of this Privacy Policy is the date when it was last updated. If CSL Behring materially changes its practices regarding collection or use of your personal information, your personal information will continue to be governed by the Policy under which it was collected unless you have been provided notice of, and have not objected to, the change.

Social Media

Generally, online social media resources are interactive tools that enable you to collaborate and share information with others. Social media resources include but are not limited to social networks, discussion boards, bulletin boards, blogs, wikis, and referral functions to share web site content and tools with a friend or colleague. CSL Behring may collect personal information from you to enable you to use online social media resources we may occasionally offer to you. CSL Behring may also enable you to use these social media resources to post or share personal information with others. When using social media resources carefully consider what information about yourself you choose to share with others.

Mobile Computing

In addition to the uses described above for the CSL Behring websites, some CSL Behring Web sites and online resources are specifically designed to be compatible and used on mobile computing devices. Mobile versions of CSL Behring Web sites may require that you log in with a user account for that Web site. Information about your use of the mobile version of the Web site will be associated with your user account. Further, some of our Web sites and online resources may enable you to download an application, widget or other tool that you can use on your mobile or other computing device. Some of these tools may store information on your mobile or other device. These tools may transmit personal information to CSL Behring to enable you to access your user account and to enable CSL Behring to track use of these tools. Some of these tools may enable you to e-mail reports and other information from the tool. CSL Behring may use personal or non-identifiable information transmitted to CSL Behring to enhance these tools, to develop new tools, for quality improvement and as otherwise described in this Policy or in other notices CSL Behring provides.

Use of Third Parties to Provide Services

We contract with third parties to provide services related to managing this Web site. In such cases, these third parties may have access to personal information. These third parties are required to follow our privacy standards and to use such personal information only in order to fulfill their responsibilities to us.

How to Contact Us

If this privacy policy doesn’t answer your questions, please get in touch with us via privacy@cslbehring.com or send an e-mail to the Webmaster.

In the regular course of business, CSL Behring acquires personal information by interactions with customers, healthcare professionals, employees, and others. CSL Behring is committed to safeguarding the privacy of the personal information that we gather and recognizes and respects the privacy rights of individuals. For more information about our global privacy policy, you can view CSL Behring's global privacy policy at https://www.cslbehring.com/privacy-policy.

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Last updated: 11/22/2022
Home Privacy Statement

Important Safety Information

Rhophylac®, Rho(D) Immune Globulin Intravenous (Human), is a blood-derived injection given to women with an Rh-negative who might have an incompatible pregnancy—that is, who may be carrying an unborn child with Rh-positive blood. If a woman in such a pregnancy is not treated, the result could be “isoimmunization,” a condition in which the mother’s Rh-negative blood produces antibodies that could attack the unborn child’s Rh-positive blood cells, potentially creating serious health problems for the unborn child and any future children of the mother.

Rhophylac is given by physicians as routine protection against immunization, typically as administration during pregnancy, often with readministration within 72 hours following childbirth. It is also given in cases of obstetric complications, invasive procedures during pregnancies, incomplete pregnancies, and obstetric manipulative procedures in certain non-pregnant women. Rhophylac is also used in Rh-negative individuals who have received blood components containg Rh(D)-positive red blood cells. For suppression of Rh isoimmunization, Rhophylac can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly, but must not be given to newborn infant.

You should not receive Rhophylac if you have had a previous serious allergic reaction to Rhophylac or other human blood products. It should not be given if your blood has an insufficient quantity of a protein called IgA, has produced antibodies to IgA, or you have known hypersensititivy to IgA. Your physician will do a blood test to assess your situation regarding IgA.

Some women have experienced mild and temporary actions after receiving Rhophylac, such as fever; overall discomfort or uneasiness; headache; skin reactions (like hives or welts); and chills. If you received Rhophylac as a shot (intramuscularly), you could experience pain or tenderness at the injection site. Adverse reactions to Rhophylac typically do not last long. Discuss with your doctor any reaction or symptom you experience after administration of Rhophylac that concerns you.

Rhophylac is made from donated human blood. The risk of transmission of infections agents, including viruses, cannot be completely eliminated.

Immunoglobulin administration can transiently interfere with your response to live vaccines, such as measles, mumps and rubella. (Note that most influenza vaccines are not “live” vaccines.) Tell your doctor if you plan to receive a vaccine after receiving Rhophylac.

Please see full prescribing information for Rhophylac, which includes a boxed warning that does not apply to use of Rhophylac in pregnancy or in cases of incompatible transfusions.

You are encouraged to report negative side effects of prescription drugs to the FDA. Visit www.fda.gov/medwatch or call 1-800-FDA-1088.

You can also report side effects to CSL Behring’s Pharmacovigilance Department at 1-866-915-6958.

Rhophylac is manufactured by CSL Behring AG and distributed by CSL Behring LLC.
Rhophylac® is a registered trademark of CSL Behring AG.
Other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners.
CSL Behring
© 2024 CSL Behring. The product information presented on this site is intended for US residents only. RHO-0027-SEP19